The Commercial and Industrial Association of Guimarães (ACIG), The Portuguese Association for the Industrial Heritage (APPI_TICCIH Portugal), the Research Centre for the Social Sciences – University of Minho CICS.NOVA.UMinho and the Martins Sarmento Society (SMS) invite all interested participants to send proposals that correspond to the conference topics to be presented on the III International Meeting on Industrial Heritage and its Museology that will be held in Guimarães on the 14th and 15th of November 2015.
Proposal on presentations:
All abstracts should have a maximum of 500 words (Fount: Arial, Size 12), including five keywords. Abstracts should include a brief CV on the presenters (one single page), and the name of the institution of the presenter. In case of multiple authored papers, please indicate one main name for the purpose of mail correspondence as well as e-mail and phone contacts.
Deadline for abstract submission: until 31st of August 2015 by e-mail sent to: [email protected]. Knowledge of presentation’s acceptance: until 20th of September 2015. Submission of full presentation: until 31st of October 2015 (maximum of 10.000 words, including notes) by e-mail sent to: [email protected]. All presentations sent after the deadline will not be mentioned in the Abstracts booklet.
Please submit your proposal by letter or email to: APPI-TICCIH Portugal, a/c da Associação Comercial e Industrial de Guimarães, Rua Rainha Dona Maria II 58, 4800-333 Guimarães, tel.: 253 420 222. E-mail: [email protected].
Registration Fee:
Until 20th of September 2015:
Companies and Institutions: 75 € (two registrations allowed) Individual: 25 €
Individual with presentation and Students: 10 € (students must send a copy of student’s card)
Members of ACIG, APPI and TICCIH, or SMS: 20 €
The Registration fee will increase 20% after 20th of September 2015.